Amsterdam Drinks: Foodhallen: Gin&Tonic Bar

20150811_18193820150811_182039Wandering around Amsterdam, you can work up an appetite. Luckily, S had done some research on where to eat and discovered the Foodhallen. These old trams sheds have been converted into a food hall ( as the name suggests!) With plenty of options to choose from, it looks like an indoor marketplace for food. Really great.  We enjoyed an (attempt) at a meat pie ( there were peas in it! –gasp–!) and a yummy hamburger. It had a great atmosphere, live music from 730pm and plenty of space around. 20150811_190357 In my visit to Barcelona, I had been told that the next best drink ever is gin and tonic. I had never had one before, so when we spotted the Gin and Tonic Bar at the Foodhallen, we decided to give it a whirl. Of course the weren’t just your average gin and tonics. Mine had raspberries, and grapes, while S’s had cloves and orange. The thing I didn’t know about gin is that there is no one way to make it. Unlike the other liquors, gin can be made from pretty much anything although most commonly with juniper berries and other herbs. Each garnish brings out a different flavour and a different element of the drink. 20150811_194628 Mine was really great. Very fresh and almost sweet. My gin and the tonic were both different to S’s. I had no idea there were so many different types and each changes the flavour slightly. It was fun watching the girl make the drinks right in front of us at the bar. Different techniques, ingredients and bottles to keep track of!

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If you are ever in Amsterdam and happen to be wondering further away from the center, drop in to the Foodhallen. There is definitely something for everyone there! 20150811_182131

Date Traveled: July 2015

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